Laziness: The couch is not your marriage's best friend.
Suspicion: Sherlock Holmes didn’t need to live in your relationship.
Lack of Trust: Without trust, what do you have left? An awkward roommate situation?
Lack of Mutual Respect: Don’t treat your spouse like your personal assistant. They’re your partner!
Unforgiveness, Bitterness, Hatred, Malice, and Anger: Holding grudges? That’s how you suffocate love.
Unnecessary Arguments: Arguing over who left the toothpaste cap off? Seriously?
Keeping Secrets: Secrets? Like passwords? Nope, marriage is about transparency.
Infidelity (Financial, Emotional, Psychological, Material): Cheating comes in all shapes and sizes – and none of them are cute.
Poor Communication: "I thought you knew" doesn’t work here.
Lies: Little lies? Big problem. Be honest, or enjoy the slow burn.
Prioritizing Parents and Family Over Your Spouse: Marriage isn’t a family reunion. Your spouse should be the one to come first.
Lack of or Unenjoyable Intimacy: "Nah, I’m too tired" won’t do forever.
Nagging: Less nagging, more hugging.
Too Much Talk, Careless Talk: You’re not auditioning for a podcast. Pick your battles.
Spending Little Time With Your Spouse: Quality over quantity, but both are important!
Being Too Independent-Minded: You’re a team, not solo acts.
Love for Partying, Money, Impulse Buying, and Financial Indiscipline: Prioritize your partner, not the next sale or the hottest club.
Exposing Your Spouse’s Inadequacies to Your Parents/Siblings: Keep your dirty laundry between you two!
Spurning Correction and Reprimands: Marriage is a partnership; feedback isn’t a personal attack.
Always Wearing a Sad Face: Smile, it confuses people – in a good way.
Extreme Feminism Advocacy: Balance, people! We’re all in this together.
Male Chauvinism: Let’s be equal partners, not stereotypes.
Uncontrolled Temper and Anger: Calm down, it’s not a WWE match.
Not Understanding Your Role and Responsibility: Know what you bring to the table – and show up for it.
Ignoring the Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Needs of Your Spouse: Marriage is like a plant – water it!
Threatening the Security of a Spouse: Your spouse is your rock, not your punching bag (metaphorically or literally).
Lack of Knowledge and Obedience: Marriage isn’t a DIY project; sometimes, you need to learn from each other.
Remember: Keep it fun, keep it honest, and for heaven’s sake, keep it together!